Monday 9 December 2019

Diabetes detection test And Glucose fasting Diabetes test

  • Diabetes detection test
  • Diabetes test
Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Due to which the diabetes patient has trouble converting food into energy. Normally after meals, the body converts food into glucose which goes through the blood cells throughout the body. Cells use insulin. It is a hormone that is made in the pancreas and converts blood glucose into energy. It is usually difficult to detect because its symptoms are similar to those of common health problems. Therefore, testing for the diagnosis of diabetes is very important. Let us know what kind of tests are done to detect diabetes.

  • Glucose fasting test
Glucose fasting test, also known as fasting plasma glucose (FPG). This test is done in the morning without eating or drinking anything. Fasting before the test helps to find the correct level of blood sugar. This test is very accurate, cheap and convenient. The glucose fasting test is the most popular test for pre-diabetes and diabetes detection.

  • Oral glucose tolerance test

Oral glucose tolerance test is also known as (OGTT). Before this test, about 75 grams of anhydrous glucose has to be mixed with water and drink for about 2 hours before that the right level of sugar can be checked. This test is said to be done to a person who is suspected of diabetes, but his FPG test shows normal blood sugar levels. To test the OGTT, at least 8 to 12 hours in advance, nothing has to be eaten.

  • A1c test

The A1C test shows the average amount of blood sugar within the last two to three months, not showing the daily fluctuations of diabetes. It also measures the amount of glucose associated with hemoglobin and red blood cells. A1C test is not commonly used for type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes, this test is used to detect pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes. It is more convenient for patients than traditional glucose test as it does not require fasting. This test can be done at any time of the day.

  • Random plasma glucose

Random plasma glucose (RPG) test is sometimes used to diagnose pre-diabetes or diabetes during a routine health check-up. If the RPG shows the tithe of 200 liters per microgram or above, then the person shows signs of diabetes, then the doctor does another test to detect diabetes.

  • Treatment of diabetes

Now that you have got so much information about diabetes, now it is time that you also know about its treatment. Therefore, it is very important for you to know how to treat sugar.

Insulin - Many Type-1 and Type-2 diabetics use insulin injections. Apart from this, doctors also recommend insulin pumps.

Right Food - Diabetic patients should take special care of their food. Therefore, doctors make a special diet chart for diabetes and recommend eating accordingly. One can eat green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, bananas and grapes. Apart from this, it is also recommended to eat eggs, fish, cheese and curd. (4)

Exercise - Apart from eating and drinking, doctors also advise to do exercise and yoga. By performing physical activity, the blood glucose level is balanced and your body remains healthy. Doctors recommend diabetes patients to walk, morning walk and light exercise. These are the easiest ways to treat diabetes. (4)

Medications - Medicines are also recommended for patients with diabetes. Doctors give medicines according to the patient's illness.
It is also important to know what are the home remedies for this disease, which is being explained further.

Strict rule on diabetes intake And Types of diabetes

  • Types of diabetes
Type 1 - This is an autoimmune disorder, in which beta cells do not make insulin. In this diabetes patients are given injections of insulin, so that the amount of insulin in the body is maintained correctly. This diabetes is more likely to happen to children and young people.

Type 2 - It reduces the amount of insulin in the body or the body is unable to use insulin properly.

Gestational diabetes - This diabetes occurs during pregnancy, when the amount of sugar in the blood increases. During this period, pregnant women are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • Strict rule on diabetes intake

"Without drugs it is even more important to keep a strict regimen over the diet."

Another way to treat sugar at home is to monitor your diet. The doctor explained to Rajiv that this keeps glucose levels under control.

  • Talk to your dietician and get the proper diet chart made.

  • To keep sugar level under control, eat this diet less -

  • Processed or packaged food items such as chips, biscuits, snacks, etc.
  • Soft drinks
  • Non-vegetarian food with korma or gravy
  • Starch-rich foods such as flour bread, pasta, rice, and semolina
  • In lieu of these, eat a diet made of flour, oats, juices or millet, which will keep your glucose under control and the body will get fiber.

Eat chopped fruits, buttermilk, sprouts or boiled eggs to eat lightly. To keep sugar under control, eat food less frequently during the day

. Fry in more oil than fried foods or junk food Eat food

Rajiv found out after his investigation that home remedy for sugar is possible with discipline. Satisfied with the information given, Rajiv decided to change the lifestyle

Saturday 7 December 2019

Symptoms Of Diabetes And Monitor diabetes sugar level

  • symptoms of diabetes
Everyone needs to know some symptoms of diabetes. There are many common symptoms that can be controlled if you pay attention in time. Below we are telling you some such symptoms of sugar.

  • Frequent urination.
  • Constant body pain complaint.
  • Frequent skin and private parts infection or cavity.
  • Do not heal the wound quickly.
  • Dry throat or frequent thirst.
  • Weak eyesight.
  • Sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Constant fatigue or weakness.
  • Excessive hunger.
  • Be irritable in behavior.

If any of these symptoms of diabetes are visible in your body, then you must get a diabetes test. Now we know why it is sugar.

Exercise 30 - 40 minutes

"It is important for you to do at least 30 - 40 minutes of exercise in everyday life." Light exercise such as doing yoga or walking daily has an effect on glucose levels.

The doctor forbade Rajiv to sit in front of the computer for too long in the office. According to the ADA guideline, to maintain the level of sugar, you should periodically stretch or walk.

A slow walk after an hour of meals changed Rajiv's health and gave him considerable courage. Take care not to do rigorous exercise right after eating.

  • Monitor diabetes sugar level

Monitoring sugar levels on a regular basis is another important method of home remedy for sugar.

"By monitoring your blood sugar level, you can see whether eating or not eating is affecting your glucose level." To

control diabetes, use a glucometer in consultation with your doctor.

Home remedies for sugar

  • Due to diabetes

Before you know about the treatment of diabetes, it is important to know the reasons for your sugar.

If someone in your family has diabetes, you may also be at risk of developing diabetes.

Increased weight gain by eating too much fried or outside food is also a cause of diabetes.

Do not exercise or do any manual labor.

More sweet food.

If there is a heart disease, diabetes can occur.

If there is diabetes during pregnancy or if the baby weighs more than 9 pounds, then the probability of developing type 2 diabetes increases later.

Diabetes can also occur with increasing age.

  • Home remedies for sugar

Nowadays, every other person is suffering from diabetes. Children have also been seen in the grip of this disease. Due to the occurrence of this disease, the possibility of many diseases increases. Along with taking medicines, avoiding too much has to be done. If a person gets this disease, then it surrounds him for a lifetime. Many times this disease becomes fatal but if we adopt some such methods by which we are under sugar control then we can get victory over this disease.

Today we are going to tell you one such miraculous recipe very easy. Which does not have any side-effect and your sugar level will come under complete control. The biggest thing is that in this recipe you will not have to consume anything bitter.

For this, you should take bitter gourd first. Take a quantity of one kg of it and grind it coarsely. Then put these powdered bitter gourd in a small tub and then dip the feet in it. Then keep moving your feet in it. When after 15 to 20 minutes your tongue starts to taste bitter, then wash your feet out. You should definitely adopt this method once, we assure you that your sugar level will definitely come under control. This is a recipe for 100 uses.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

What is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (MTB, TB) is an irresistible infection ordinarily brought about by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis for the most part influences the lungs, yet can likewise influence different pieces of the body. Most contaminations don't have side effects, known as dormant tuberculosis. About 10% of inactive contaminations advancement to dynamic ailment which, whenever left untreated executes about the portion of those tainted.

Tuberculosis is an irresistible sickness of bacterial etiology. The ailment has a medicinal as well as a social viewpoint: the most helpless to the causative specialist of tuberculosis are the general population with a low dimension of insusceptibility, an unequal eating routine, living in states of resistance with sterile and clean standards, poor social conditions. The advancement of the infection is influenced by the dimension of the nature of human life.

TB or tuberculosis is a bacterial ailment. The commonest species causing TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, however there are different sorts (species) of these microscopic organisms that can likewise cause TB.

The general side effects of TB are fever, night sweats, exhaustion, loss of hunger, and loss of weight.

The most widely recognized type of TB is Pulmonary TB, where the malady influences the lungs. Notwithstanding the above indications, patients will likewise have a hack of over about fourteen days span. In later stages, the patient may hack up blood in the sputum. TB can influence different organs like the stomach, digestion tracts, bones, lymph hubs, and so forth. In these cases, the particular manifestations will relate to the organ included. The general indications of fever, loss of craving, loss of weight, and so forth will likewise be available.

Aspiratory TB is spread by beads that are created when the patient hacks. The microscopic organisms present in these beads can be breathed in by someone else and cause disease in them.

In many creating nations where TB is endemic, most people are presented to the TB microscopic organisms in adolescence or are immunized against TB. These people have created a resistant reaction and have controlled the underlying disease. They don't hint at any manifestations and TB and don't transmit the contamination to other people. Be that as it may, even inoculated people can build up the ailment.

TB can likewise muddle untreated HIV disease, particularly in districts where both are endemic.

Treatment for tuberculosis has been institutionalized and profoundly compelling. It is accessible for nothing or at financed rates in many creating nations. Such plans are supported by the administrations or the WHO.

The exemplary indications of dynamic TB are a constant hack with blood-containing sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight reduction. The recorded term "utilization" came to fruition because of weight reduction. The disease of different organs can cause a wide scope of manifestations.

TB is an irresistible sickness that normally influences the lungs however can likewise influence the mind, kidneys or the spine. It is infectious and spreads from individual to individual through the air.

What are the Symptoms of TB? 

Manifestations may shift contingent upon the organ which is tainted with the microscopic organisms. Some basic indications are

Hacking, once in a while with bodily fluid or blood

  • Chills 

  • Weakness 

  • Fever 

  • Weight reduction 

  • Loss of hunger 

  • Night Sweats 

What is the contrast between idle TB contamination and TB sickness?

In inert TB disease, the TB germs are available in the body yet are not dynamic. These people don't spread the microorganisms to other people. In any case, there is a reasonable shot that the individual may create TB illness later on. Subsequently treatment must be taken to keep from building up the illness.

Individuals with TB infection are debilitated from TB germs that are dynamic, implying that they are duplicating and annihilating tissue in their body. They for the most part have indications of TB ailment. Individuals with TB malady of the lungs or throat are equipped for spreading the microbes to other people.

In the event that I invested energy with the person who has inactive TB disease, at that point would it be advisable for me to get tried for TB contamination?

An individual with inactive TB contamination can't spread germs to other individuals. You shouldn't be tried in the event that you have invested energy with somebody with dormant TB disease. In any case, on the off chance that you have invested energy with somebody with the ailment or somebody with indications of TB, you ought to be tried.

How to Control High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a quiet executioner. It murders around 8 million individuals worldwide consistently and is a causative factor for cardiovascular infections, renal disappointment, maternal passing in pregnancy, and so forth. Henceforth, it is totally important to monitor circulatory strain. High Blood Pressure or Hypertension (HBP or hypertension) is described by large amounts of your circulatory strain when the power of your blood pushing against the dividers of your veins is reliably excessively high. Way of life and sound propensities assume a significant job in controlling your hypertension. On the off chance that you effectively control your circulatory strain with a solid way of life, you may stay away from or decrease the requirement for medicine.

Here is a rundown of 10 regular solutions for High Blood weight.

1. Exercise consistently: 

Normal physical movement at any rate 30 minutes most days of the week can bring down your pulse by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It's essential to be predictable in such a case that you quit working out, your circulatory strain can rise once more. On the off chance that you have somewhat hypertension, exercise can enable you to abstain from growing out and out hypertension. On the off chance that you as of now have hypertension, standard physical activity can bring your pulse down to more secure dimensions.

2. Lose additional pounds and watch your waistline: 

Circulatory strain regularly increments as weight increments. Being overweight additionally can cause disturbed breathing while you rest, which further raises your pulse. Weight reduction is a standout amongst the best way of life changes in controlling circulatory strain. Shedding only 10 pounds can help decrease your pulse.

3. Quit smoking: 

Every cigarette you smoke builds your circulatory strain for a long time after you wrap up. Stopping smoking enables your blood to weight to come back to ordinary. Individuals who quit smoking, paying little heed to age, have significant increments in the future.

4. Cut back on caffeine: 

The job caffeine plays in circulatory strain is still discussed. Caffeine can raise pulse by as much as 10 mm Hg in individuals who seldom expend it, however there is practically no solid impact on circulatory strain in routine espresso consumers. In spite of the fact that the impacts of interminable caffeine ingestion on circulatory strain aren't clear, the likelihood of a slight increment in pulse exists.

5. Reduce your pressure: 

Endless pressure is a significant supporter of hypertension. Periodic pressure additionally can add to hypertension on the off chance that you respond to worry by eating undesirable nourishment, drinking liquor or smoking. Set aside some effort to consider what makes you feel pushed, for example, work, family, accounts or sickness. When you realize what's causing your pressure, think about how you can dispose of or diminish pressure.

6. Monitor your circulatory strain at home and see your specialist routinely: 

Home checking can enable you to monitor your pulse, make certain your way of life changes are working, and alarm you and your specialist to potential wellbeing intricacies. Circulatory strain screens are accessible generally and without a solution. Converse with your specialist about home observing before you begin. Customary visits with your specialist are additionally key to controlling your circulatory strain. On the off chance that your pulse is leveled out, you may need to visit your specialist just every six to a year, contingent upon different conditions you may have. On the off chance that your pulse isn't well-controlled, your specialist will probably need to see you all the more much of the time.

7. Get help: 

Strong family and companions can help improve your wellbeing. They may urge you to deal with yourself, drive you to the specialist's office or leave on an activity program with you to keep your circulatory strain low. In the event that you discover you need support past your family and companions, consider joining a care group. This may place you in contact with individuals who can give you a passionate or confidence lift and who can offer handy tips to adapt to your condition.

8. Eat a sound eating routine: 

Eating an eating routine that is wealthy in entire grains, natural products, vegetables, and low-fat dairy items and hold backs on soaked fat and cholesterol can bring down your pulse by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet. It is difficult to change your dietary patterns, however with these tips, you can receive a solid eating regimen.

9. Reduce sodium in your eating routine: 

Indeed, even a little decrease in the sodium in your eating routine can lessen circulatory strain by 2 to 8 mm Hg. The impact of sodium admission on circulatory strain shifts among gatherings of individuals. All in all, limit sodium to under 2,300 milligrams (mg) multi day or less.

10. Limit the measure of liquor you drink: 

Liquor can be both great and awful for your wellbeing. In limited quantities, it can possibly bring down your circulatory strain by 2 to 4 mm Hg. In any case, that defensive impact is lost on the off chance that you drink an excessive amount of liquor — for the most part more than one beverage daily for ladies and for men more seasoned than age, at least 65 than two per day for men age 65 and more youthful. One beverage rises to 12 ounces of brew, five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof alcohol.

What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus iѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt basic sorts оf diabetes thаt influences millions оf individuals around the world. An individual thаt iѕ enduring frоm diabetes hаѕ glucose levels thаt аrе high bесаuѕе thе insulin created in thе bоdу iѕ deficient аnd thuѕ glucose саnnоt enter thе circulation system аnd bе changed intо vitality. Whеn thе glucose supply tо cells iѕ nоt еnоugh аnd it begins building uр in thе blood thеn it саn lead tо wellbeing entanglements thаt саn bе lethal if nоt treated in time. Sоmе оf thе wellbeing entanglements аѕѕосiаtеd with diabetes mellitus incorporates heart issues, kidney disappointment, аnd cerebrum brokenness аmоng others.

Diabetes mellitus is a deep rooted condition that happens when the body doesn't make enough insulin, or at the point when the body doesn't react appropriately to the insulin it makes. There are numerous types of diabetes mellitus, a few of which have experienced name changes as the illness has turned out to be better comprehended.

Diabetes mellitus, or just, diabetes, is an ailment that harms the body when the blood glucose (sugar) is permitted to remain unreasonably high for such a large number of years.

Real Types of Diabetes 

There are a few noteworthy kinds of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes is the structure used to be called adolescent diabetes or insulin-subordinate diabetes. It begins frequently in youth. The patient has a flat out the requirement for the hormone insulin, since his pancreas, the organ that causes insulin, to can never again do as such. The insulin is generally given by infusion and must be adjusted by sustenance consumption so as to keep the blood glucose as ordinary as could be expected under the circumstances.

Type 2 diabetes is the structure used to be called grown-up beginning diabetes. It is a way of life malady, coming about because of unnecessary weight increase and absence of activity. The patient does not need insulin, however, has a lack of care toward his own body's insulin. Treatment is begun with eating routine and exercise however may, at last, require pills or insulin.

Gestational diabetes is the structure that happens in pregnancy when the hormones of pregnancy overpower the body's insulin so the blood glucose rises. It can cause issues with the developing embryo who will, in general, develop hugely and have a troublesome conveyance. Gestational diabetes can likewise move toward becoming sort 2 diabetes further down the road.

Conclusion of Diabetes

The conclusion of a wide range of diabetes is made when the blood glucose in the medium-term fasting state is 126 milligrams for each deciliter (mg/dl) or higher time and again. The determination may likewise be made whether the blood glucose in the wake of eating ascends to 200 mg/dl or higher over and over. As of late the finding of a dimension of 6.5 percent or more noteworthy in a blood test called a hemoglobin A1c has been added to the prescribed method for making a conclusion of diabetes mellitus.

The various sorts of diabetes share numerous highlights once the finding is made. The medications are amazing and some may lessen the dimension of blood glucose to the point that the blood glucose of the patient turns out to be low, normally under 65 mg/dl. This state is called hypoglycemia and results in appetite, perspiring, a fast heartbeat, perplexity, and even trance like state. It is treated by giving the patient glucose.


In the event that the blood glucose is permitted to stay high, normally more noteworthy than 180 mg/dl more than ten years or more, the patient with any type of diabetes may create one or the majority of the accompanying entanglements:

  • The eye illness which may prompt visual deficiency 

  • Kidney infection which may prompt kidney disappointment 

  • Nerve malady which may prompt loss of sensation in parts of the body, particularly the feet, or to loss of development in at least one muscles 

  • Hearts and vein infection, which may prompt a heart assault, a stroke or loss of blood supply to the legs and feet 


None of these intricacies need ever happen with appropriate administration of diabetes. The instruments that will keep the blood glucose in a range that counteracts complexities of diabetes are accessible today and with the assistance of a diabetes group comprising of a specialist, a diabetes teacher, a dietitian, an eye specialist, and different experts as required, the individual with diabetes may carry on with a long, quality life.